Introducing Reach: the free Chrome extension that helps you hit your goals


You have a goal.

It might be a BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) or a SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely) goal. Either way, you know the number that will make you reach for the champagne.

Say your goal is your sales quota that you have to hit by the end of the month. Today is the 1st and you’ve got 30 odd days to go from $0 to $30,000.

How the hell do you get there?

Getting from where you are today to your goal is only going to happen if you take the journey step by step, stay focused and make consistent daily progress.

Introducing Reach

Reach is a Chrome Extension that keeps you motivated and helps you achieve your goals day-by-day.

It replaces your Chrome ‘new tab’ window. Each time you open up a new tab you’ll see your monthly target, what number you need to hit today, and an inspirational quote to keep you motivated.

Staring your goals in the face can make a big difference:

Reach Mockup Background Small

You see your new tab page countless times every day. Reach reminds you to stay focused by keeping your goals front and center. By breaking your big goals out to a daily target that’s attainable, you can focus on what you need to do today.

Some monthly goals that are perfect for Reach:

  • Close $30,000 in sales
  • Run 20 miles
  • Spend 30 hours learning to code
  • Do 1500 pushups
  • Save $1000 for your summer vacation
  • Book 50 meetings

Whatever goal you want to achieve this month – Reach will help you get there.

Make your goals visual. Stay focused every day. You got this.

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